
Illuminated manuscript
Illuminated manuscript

In the Orient must be sought the origin of this art, as well as that of the manuscripts themselves. it is especially in miniature that the ebb and flow of artistic styles during the Middle Ages may be detected. Finally, in the history of art the rôle of illuminated manuscripts was considerable by treating in their works scenes of sacred history the manuscript painters inspired other artists, painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, ivory workers, etc.


And whereas most of the paintings of the Middle Ages have perished, these little works form an almost uninterrupted series which afford us a clear idea of the chief schools of painting of each epoch and each region.

illuminated manuscript

Despite its limitations, the art of illumination is one of the most charming ever invented it exacts the same qualifications and produced almost as powerful effects as painting it even calls for a delicacy of touch all its own. At first the "miniator" was charged with tracing in red minium the titles and initials. Italy see below).Īll these ornaments are called "eluminures", illuminations, or miniatures, a world used since the end of the sixteenth century.

  • finally, there exist rolls of parchment wholly covered with paintings (Roll of Josue in the Vatican Exultet Roll of S.
  • full-page paintings (or such as cover only a part of the page), but forming real pictures, similar to frescoes or easel pictures these are chiefly found on very ancient or very recent manuscripts (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries).
  • borders around the text (interlacing colonnades, etc.), the most remarkable example is that of the evangelistic canons of the Middle Ages.
  • illuminated manuscript

  • paintings on the margin, in which some scene is carried over several pages.
  • initials of chapters or paragraphs, ornamented sometimes very simply, sometimes on the other hand with a great profusion of interlacings, foliage, and flowers these are developed along the whole length of the page and within are sometimes depicted persons or scenes from everyday life.

  • Illuminated manuscript